Friday, March 6, 2009

Fun Science Friday: Lab Lit

Cell recently reviewed Experimental Heart, a new novel by cell biologist Jennifer Rohn. I found this description to be strangely hilarious:
The protagonist and narrator, Andy, is a successful but somewhat hapless postdoc in a famous cell and molecular biology lab in contemporary London: successful because he's just published a paper in Cell, hapless because for a variety of reasons he chooses to spend all his time in the lab. His carefully restricted life starts to unwind when he encounters a glamorous biotech researcher, Gina, who is as smart as she is beautiful. Their love story (this IS a love story) unfolds against the background of their respective research into cell signaling in cancer and virus-based vaccines. It features all the usual competitive scuffles of academia, where reputations and careers are at stake, as well as a sly look at the biotech industry, where money and time are key drivers in the quest for cures. Nothing appears to be simple or straightforward in their worlds, and once their hearts get hooked, the story takes off.
A hapless postdoc, a biotech researcher as smart as she is beautiful, and all the usual competitive scuffles of academia. What more could you desire for a Sunday afternoon? Seriously, though, Cell gave it an excellent review, and Amazonians agree (five out of seven five-star ratings). I may have to order it myself.



Anonymous said...

If I were you, I would wait to borrow it from the library and save some money. (But of course I am cheap.)

Samurai Scientist said...

I have been banned from our local library and waiting for an amnesty. 25 cents a day per late book? It's highway robbery!

Anonymous said...

You should have called your congressman and asked him to put an earmark to pay for your library fine in the stimulus package… Or you could use the money that you would have sent to Amazon to pay your fine and then take the book out of the library. The library could then use the money to buy more books (for you to check out).